On the day of the Official Opening of the new clubhouse at the home of Lawn Bowls in Onchan Park the weather gods provided the best conditions of the season so far for the Yardstick Cup Competition which rewards bowls finishing within a yard of the jack at the completion of each end with a bonus point for all touchers.

With a field of 14 pairs and good number of new members participating the quality of the bowling on hand was of a particularly high standard with notable performances from Trevor Quayle & Andy Dixon and also John Piekalns & Caroline Whitehead. However, it was a stellar exhibition by Dee Lewis & John Kewley who showed immaculate consistency throughout the afternoon and dominated the green winning the cup by a country mile.

Our thanks to Ralph Peake from the Manx Lottery Trust for conducting the formal opening of the new clubhouse and all the Trustees for their generous support in enabling this facility for the community benefit of the sport.