Lawn Bowls Isle of Man are hosting a FREE come and try session. This is open to EVERYONE. Lawn Bowls is no longer a game for the older generations, but a sport for all. We can’t think of a better way to spend an evening than to be out in the blistering sunshine, enjoying great views overlooking the bay, whilst having a bite to eat and a few beers…oh and of course putting a few bowls down whilst we are there. Come and join us and try your hand at the game, you never know you may just want to come back to play a bit more!

The lawn bowls green is situated in Onchan Pleasure Park, next to the boating lake and pay hut. We will be there from 18:00 to 20:00, and have members including some qualified coaches there to show you the ropes. Come give it a go, and have a bite to eat and a drink on us. Bring yourself, bring a friend or even bring your family. The more the merrier.

For more info, get in touch with our secretary by email

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